Frequently Asked Questions — How to Ride METRO

On this page, you can get answers to common questions about riding METRO, all in one place.

Booking a Ride

You’re able to book rides up to seven days in advance of your travel date and as late as 15 minutes before your desired pickup time. For instance, if you need to be picked up in the Missouri City zone at 11 a.m. – you’d need to have your trip booked no later than 10:45 a.m.

You can also book a ride by calling 713-739-7433. Agents are on call daily, 5 a.m.-7:30 p.m.

Whether you book through the app or over the phone, all reservations are subject to availability.

No. In the app, you have the option to set up a “Multi-Day Subscription.” That’s a trip which occurs multiple times. By doing this, you won’t have to book your ride each time.

In the app, service areas are highlighted in red on an interactive map. You may need to zoom out on the map to see those red areas. When you enter your pickup and dropoff locations, both addresses need to be in one of those red service areas. You can’t travel between service areas.

If you enter a pickup and/or dropoff address that’s outside of those service areas, a message will pop up letting you know the trip can’t be booked. You’ll be given the option to try again.

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