Online Auctions

METRO invites you to bid in online auctions for a range of items, including service vehicles, shop equipment and tools and more. We do not donate items. Because we have federal assets, we have to follow federal guidelines for disposal of retired or obsolete equipment. Registration is free.

We list new items 365 days a year as they become available. If you’re interested in bidding on an item or have questions, contact us at 713-652-8632. To set up alerts for the types of items you’re looking for, register at and set up alerts there.

See METRO Auction Listings (Open external link)

Gavel sitting next to laptop computer on a wooden desk

To view the Online Sales Terms and Conditions:

  1. Visit the auction listings page. (Open external link)
  2. Click on any live auction listing.
  3. In the listing details, click “View Terms and Conditions.” 

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