General Finance
METRO is committed to financial transparency, making financial information of the highest quality readily accessible to the public. The Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) has regularly awarded METRO a certificate of achievement for excellence in financial reporting for our annual comprehensive financial report as well as our two defined benefit pension plans. The Texas Public Interest Research Group has graded METRO an "A" for spending transparency. Rating agencies Standard & Poor's and KBRA have both given METRO bond ratings of AAA and categorized METRO ratings as "stable." And METRO has earned the highest grade available from the Texas Comptroller's Office.

Finance Summary
In Fiscal Year 2023, total revenues (excluding capital grants) were $1,341.3 million, total expenditures (excluding capital grants) were $1,221.6 million and full-time equivalent positions totaled 3,992. Revenues are recognized when earned and expenses are recognized at the time the liability is incurred. The per capita numbers are calculated based on a transit boarding count of 68.6 million.
Fiscal Year | Revenues Per Capita | Expenditures Per Capita |
2023 | $19.6 | $17.8 |
2022 | $17.9 | $19.8 |
2021 | $31.4 | $22.7 |
2020 | $17.0 | $15.8 |
2019 | $10.5 | $12.2 |
Fiscal Year | Sales Tax Revenue | Per Capita |
2023 | $1,027.9 million | $15.0 |
2022 | $969.5 million | $16.9 |
2021 | $843.4 million | $18.8 |
2020 | $764.6 million | $11.6 |
2019 | $775.4 million | $8.6 |
Financial Documents Library
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Check Registers
You can view METRO register data in several ways. Choose the month you wish to view from the drop-down menu, and then sort on any of the available columns by clicking on the heading of that column. Click “Export to Spreadsheet” to download an Excel spreadsheet of the data that can be used to calculate monthly totals.
Date | Payee | Description | Check No. | Amount |
Date | Payee | Description | Check No. | Payment Date to Wells Fargo | Amount |
Date | Payee | Description | Check No. | Amount |
Month | Year | Amount |
Local Government
Below, please find links to the official websites for member governmental entities.
Texas Government Code & TPIA Requests
Texas Government Code, Chapter 552, gives you the right to access government records; and an officer for public information and the officer’s agent may not ask why you want them. All government information is presumed to be available to the public.
Certain exceptions may apply to the disclosure of the information. Governmental bodies shall promptly release requested information that is not confidential by law, either constitutional, statutory, or by judicial decision, or information for which
an exception to disclosure has not been sought.
Open Records Request >
Ley de Información Pública (PDF) >
Designated Point of Contact for METRO Board of Directors
Rosa Diaz
Director, Board Support
P.O. Box 61429
Houston, Texas 77208-1429