Vanpool Savings Formulas
To calculate your number of likely participants, Enterprise Holdings, Inc. and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency assume 20% of your employees have a commute greater than 20 miles and that 50% of those commuters would join, based on their reporting.
Potential Participants = (Number of Employees x .20) x .50
Yearly Carbon Savings = (Average Monthly Route Mileage for Enterprise Commuters/Average Vehicle MPG) x (Potential Participants - Potential Vehicles) x (Pounds of CO2 Released Per Gallon of Fuel) X 12
Yearly Employee Savings = Potential Participants x Average Monthly Mileage of Enterprise Commuters x 12 X (AAA Operating Cost per Mile - Cost to Commute with Enterprise per mile). AAA costs are associated with owning and operating a vehicle
including fuel, maintenance and depreciation.
Freed Up Parking Spots = Potential Participants – Potential Commuter Vehicles
Estimates are based on 2022 Enterprise Reporting and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency calculator. Assumes a five-day workweek in office.