September 2023    No. 265

Bus and Rail, & Maintenance Employees of the Month

Bus and Rail, & Maintenance Employees of the Month

4 min read

Bus Operators


Willie Williams (Fallbrook): 12 years of service

Bus Operator Willie Williams is being recognized for his outstanding work ethic and willingness to assist in any way possible when needed. He is a model employee.


Vanessa Perkins (Hiram Clarke): 20 years of service

Bus Operator Vanessa Perkins is described as a “staple in the community” who makes it a point to speak with everyone she meets. She is fondly called “mother” by many of her passengers and colleagues because of her true concern for others. Ms. Perkins has an outstanding work record.

Steven Tucker (Polk): 15 years of service

Managers at Polk are proud to recognize Bus Operator Steven Tucker. They say he quietly delivers excellent customer service every day and has never been late for a shift. Mr. Tucker has zero accidents and zero customer complaints.


Derrell Levy (West): 17 years of service

Managers at West are excited to honor Bus Operator Derrell Levy for his steadfast dedication and consistent performance.  They say his driving skills and professionalism are exemplary and that he commands a deep level of respect from both his peers and the public.


Rail Line Instructor


Darrell Graham: 8 years of service

METRO is proud to honor Darrell Graham as the top rail line instructor for September. He loves his job – especially training new hires to operate light rail trains. Mr. Graham enjoys football, playing basketball, and hanging out with his daughters.


Top Maintenance Techs


METRO has reinstated a previous program honoring a top maintenance tech from each facility and work group. In this edition, we are featuring employees honored in September, however, you’ll find monthly honorees, dating back to January 2023, displayed on the digital bulletin boards at all facilities.

This program recognizes hard work, dedication to the job, and commitment to serving our community.


Liem To (Kashmere): 38 years of service, Transit Technician

Mr. To is a reliable self-starter. He is always willing to share his vast experience with others and says even after nearly four decades, METRO remains a great place to work. At home, he enjoys growing roses as well as other peaceful and relaxing activities.


Horacio Salazar (Fallbrook): 27 years of service, Transit Bus Repair A

Mr. Salazar is a hard worker who is dependable and takes safety seriously. He loves new challenges, new ideas, and says the best thing about his job is that it is different every day.


Sam Luong (Hiram Clarke): 23 years of service, Transit Technician

Mr. Luong says working at METRO is like working with family. He gets satisfaction from helping his customers (bus operators) when issues arise on their bus or when he can answer their questions. Away from METRO, he loves spending time with his wife and sons. They all enjoy eating out and shopping.


Reymundo Salinas (Polk): 5 Years of Service, Transit Bus Repair B

Mr. Salinas is being recognized for his willingness to help co-workers and sharpen his own skills. He is a true asset to METRO, especially during major inspections.


Funtax Vu Coleman (West): 20 Years of Service, Transit Bus Repair B 

Mr. Vu is a knowledgeable team player who is dedicated, committed, and hardworking. He is always on time and ready to do whatever is needed. Vu says he is “so appreciative” for his job at METRO. He enjoys studying his Bible in his spare time.

Maria Rodriguez (Central Shops): 26 Years of Service, Cleaner – Bus Maintenance

Ms. Rodriguez is always on time and goes above and beyond on her work assignments. She loves her job and says coworkers are always “nice and helpful.” She enjoys reading, especially the Bible, and taking long walks. Ms. Rodriguez is especially humble – as she did not want to be photographed for this recognition.


Vincent Jackson (Electronic Maintenance): 8 Years of Service, Transit Bus Revenue Technician

Mr. Jackson works tirelessly to improve the safety skills of the revenue fleet drivers. He worked more than 50 additional hours in a support role that was voluntary. Mr. Jackson also supported the driver’s barrier installation program. In his spare time, he builds computers, and works on cars.  .


Chuong Pham (Support Vehicles): 8 Years of Service, Support Vehicle Master  

Mr. Pham applies creative thinking with creative solutions to specific tasks. He believes METRO is a great company to work for because it encourages self-development. He modifies cars as a hobby and says that perfectly aligns with working on non-revenue vehicles. Mr. Pham has been selected for the Class I Career Advancement Program (CAP) which began September 1.


Manuel Barnes (Operating Facilities): 26 Years of Service, Cleaner – Facility Maintenance

Mr. Barnes is known for going above and beyond. No job is too small or too large for him. He always focuses on safety and gives 100 percent. Mr. Barnes says METRO provides him with a sense of responsibility because he knows he is part of a larger group that allows the Authority to thrive.

Congratulations to all of our monthly bus, rail, and maintenance employees!


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