May 2024

METRO Assists with Relief Efforts in Wake of Devastating Storm

Lineworkers get ready to board a METRO bus to areas across Houston after devastating derecho.


METRO emerged as a key player in recovery efforts following the Derecho storm that caused widespread damage across the Houston region. Powerful winds shattered windows in high-rise buildings downtown, toppled transmission towers, and knocked down trees that took out power lines, leaving more than a million homes and businesses without electricity.

With temperatures soaring into the 90s, the need for assistance was urgent. As electrical line workers from out of town began pouring into the area to help restore power, METRO moved swiftly to mobilize transportation for them. The Authority’s buses took those workers from hotels to worksites and back again for days.

METRO buses line up to transport line workers.
METRO buses were mobilized to transport linemen to worksites.


The Authority’s buses took those workers from hotels to worksites and back again for days.

METRO's rapid response to the crisis again highlighted its logistical expertise and dedication to community recovery efforts following major weather events.

Line workers board a bus.
Linemen board a waiting METRO bus.

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