October 2023    No. 266

Little Girl Lost

Little Girl Lost

2 min read

A METRO bus operator and the METRO Police Department recently worked together to comfort a lost little girl and reunite her with family.

Bus Operator Sharron Bougere found the child alone and scared on her 65 Bissonnet route and took her to the Wheeler Transit Center. MPD Day Rail Officer Kendra Paris was among those responding to the call.

Bougere said fear and a language barrier made it challenging to get information from the girl. She and other METRO employees comforted her, providing snacks and drinks while MPD reviewed video from bus cameras and eventually identified the elementary school she attends.

Paris said video shows the girl initially boarded the bus with a group of older children who were also headed to school. The older kids sat in the back, while the girl remained up front. When her schoolmates got off at Braeburn Elementary, she didn’t.

Officer Paris personally accompanied the girl to campus where she was reunited with her family. She is just six years old, and it was only her second day of school. 


"I just hope that her first impression of police officers and METRO was positive," said Paris. "All these great people surrounded her and were intent on reuniting her with her family."

This is another example of METRO employees going above and beyond to help however they can.

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